Thursday, January 12, 2006
Jan 13 Psalm 2
Before you read this, go ahead and look first at Psalm 2 . See how God speaks to you individually. Then come back, if you wish, and see what God has put in my mind/heart.
Key Verse(s): Psalm
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry
and you be destroyed in your way,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him. (NIV)
Title: The Truth About God We Don’t Want to Talk About
Observation: This Psalm of praise talks about the power of God and the promised Messiah that had not yet come. God is rightly angered by those who oppose him. They marshal the power of mankind against him, but their power is puny compared to God’s. And God is talking to Jesus, and says (I believe in light of his ransoming death on the cross for our sin) humanity is your reward. Judge them for their rebellion or spare them in the light of grace, they’re yours.
So the wisdom of the Psalm is to kiss the Son, to pay homage to him and to place yourself under His rule and protection. The idea of Jesus as a vengeful God is not comfortable, but consistent with scripture. Many times Jesus warns that there are those who will be cast out, into the outer darkness. Even setting aside the justice and holiness of God’s requirements for us, in a battle of power choosing to power to oppose God is foolishness. Its only because of his great love, mercy, and patience with us, has he allowed those who oppose him to gather power and to plot their foolish rebellion against God.
C.S. Lewis in reference to Aslan (codeword for God in the Narnia Chronicles) has a character say, “He is not safe. But He is good.” That’s the Good News. God has unlimited power to judge us, but we can count on his giving grace because He is good. But don’t think you have God on a leash; that would be madness.
Application: I sometimes consciously or unconsciously think that I have power over God, that I can continue in sin and make Him forgive me. That is illusion. I need to submit to the power and authority of Christ. Because, when I do that I find the position that I was created to be in and find my part in God’s plan for eternity.
Prayer: Lord, help me to see how majestic and powerful you are, and how small my power is. Help me to find my place in service and homage to you, as a loyal follower. Thank you for loving me enough to entrust me to lead others to you. Lord I pray that you will help me lead in the positions of authority that you have placed me, not because I deserve it, but because of your grace.
In Jesus Name,