Monday, February 13, 2006
Feb 14th 1 Corinthians 8
Go ahead and look first at 1 Corinthians 8 . See how God speaks to you individually. Then come back, if you wish, and see what God has put in my mind/heart.
Key Verse(s): 1 Corinthians 8:1b
We know that we all possess knowledge.[a] Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
Title: Knowing and Loving are Not the Same Thing
Observation: Paul’s main point is about meat sacrificed to idols. Our commentaries tell us that much of the meat that was available in the marketplace had previously been sacrificed to idols. Paul reminds us that eating these meats isn’t going to separate us in any way from God- unless we are so drawn back to that of our former life that it reminds us of our previously pagan ways.
It’s a good reminder to treat those with weakness with respect. Its more important to not merely do what is correct but to do what is loving. We are an addictive people, its easy for us to be drawn back into our old paths. For me its easy to think about not serving wine to my guests for fear that it will remind them of an alcoholic past. However, I’m not yet ready to jettison the chocolate cake that I plan to serve to my small group. As someone who deals with food issues- I don’t want to acknowledge their power over me, nor accept that for some it might be sin to eat it. Or is it a conscious thing, that each individual must decide for themselves? Or should I be tempting them/me? Hmmm. This has gotten a little too personal.
What is undoubtedly true is that knowledge puffs up but love builds up. I need to remember that when I shape plans for church or family I must not only do what’s correct, I must do what is loving and what can be done in love. How can I communicate truth and love and not compromise the hard truths that need to be said?
Application: We are focusing on sharing our faith right now as a church. It’s hard being “on” every time I encounter someone. And yet, me being grumpy because I can’t spend the effort to say a kind word to someone I encounter brings no glory to Jesus. I need to be loving, and aware of what loving means, in the contexts I’m placed
Prayer: Lord, help me to share your good news, with a smile, a calm word, or even a testimony as the situation warrants. Open doors for me to be your witness, even in the scary places. Help me to be fearless and gentle, radical and peaceful in Your name as I walk the roads you put before me.
In Jesus Name,
Key Verse(s): 1 Corinthians 8:1b
We know that we all possess knowledge.[a] Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
Title: Knowing and Loving are Not the Same Thing
Observation: Paul’s main point is about meat sacrificed to idols. Our commentaries tell us that much of the meat that was available in the marketplace had previously been sacrificed to idols. Paul reminds us that eating these meats isn’t going to separate us in any way from God- unless we are so drawn back to that of our former life that it reminds us of our previously pagan ways.
It’s a good reminder to treat those with weakness with respect. Its more important to not merely do what is correct but to do what is loving. We are an addictive people, its easy for us to be drawn back into our old paths. For me its easy to think about not serving wine to my guests for fear that it will remind them of an alcoholic past. However, I’m not yet ready to jettison the chocolate cake that I plan to serve to my small group. As someone who deals with food issues- I don’t want to acknowledge their power over me, nor accept that for some it might be sin to eat it. Or is it a conscious thing, that each individual must decide for themselves? Or should I be tempting them/me? Hmmm. This has gotten a little too personal.
What is undoubtedly true is that knowledge puffs up but love builds up. I need to remember that when I shape plans for church or family I must not only do what’s correct, I must do what is loving and what can be done in love. How can I communicate truth and love and not compromise the hard truths that need to be said?
Application: We are focusing on sharing our faith right now as a church. It’s hard being “on” every time I encounter someone. And yet, me being grumpy because I can’t spend the effort to say a kind word to someone I encounter brings no glory to Jesus. I need to be loving, and aware of what loving means, in the contexts I’m placed
Prayer: Lord, help me to share your good news, with a smile, a calm word, or even a testimony as the situation warrants. Open doors for me to be your witness, even in the scary places. Help me to be fearless and gentle, radical and peaceful in Your name as I walk the roads you put before me.
In Jesus Name,