Thursday, February 02, 2006


Feb 3 Psalm 5

Go ahead and look first at Psalm 5 . See how God speaks to you individually. Then come back, if you wish, and see what God has put in my mind/heart.

Key Verse(s): Psalm 5:8
Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness
because of my enemies—
make straight your way before me.

Choosing Sides in a Hostile World

Observation: Psalms often seem uncomfortable to us, in our quieter moments when the Psalmist is asking God to bash his enemies. The call for destruction on your opponent is never a graceful act, but to demand that God Himself use his might and power to destroy mere mortals is disquieting. It has led some scholars to believe that different authors participated in writing the same psalm.

I disagree. I think that in moments of desperation we do call for God’s protection, and in moment of anger we ask for God’s vengeance. We are much like this psalmist at times and want God to fight our battles. We want God to supernaturally overthrow our enemies.

Unfortunately (actually, it’s quite fortunate) God doesn’t fight our battles this way. He may choose to fight His battles in with direct and overwhelming force, but generally he allows us to be part of the solution to our anger, and to practice humility and patience in the process. However, God would not be perfect if he did not exercise judgment and punish evil. God will see that justice is done.

And because justice will ultimately be done when Jesus comes to run the world, we need to choose sides. God has absolutely promised vindication for those who have suffered on His behalf. We need to take seriously where we stand and what we stand for. God has great patience, mercy, and love, qualities that may allow us to think we’ve gotten away with hurting or using others. But God will not be mocked forever, and we will stand before Him one day.

Application: I need to be aware that I too will stand before the Lord with my life before me. And while I believe that Jesus’ grace is greater than my sin, I want to be before God in a way that he will be pleased with my and my life. I need to rise above conflict with love, to transcend confusion with clarity, and lead with integrity.

Prayer: Lord God help me want to follow you with all that I am. I fall back to easily into patterns of selfishness. Give me an opportunity to express unmerited kindness to someone this weekend. Help me to experience your goodness and worship you with my life this weekend.

In Jesus Name,

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