Wednesday, February 08, 2006
February 9th 1 Corinthians 6
Key Verse(s): 1 Corinthians 6:7
The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?
Title: The Appearance of Strength and the Reality of Weakness
Observation: Paul continues to talk about sexual integrity. That the gift of sex is good; the abuse of this God given gift is on the road to being enslaved. Too often we underestimate the emotional and spiritual cost of sin. While there is great forgiveness of God, we ourselves are scarred. While God can heal even these scars, very often we carry them with us. Many are scarred and bitter over relationships years of decades in the past.
Who are we to unite with- the prostitute or God? Our longings, our cravings, our passion- they are good and God given. We are to live passionately. But in seeking to fully express our identity as passionate creatures, do we wreak havoc and destruction (especially in ourselves) or do we find fulfillment in Christ and His plan and provision for us? The deep secret that Christians have learned over the years (read any of the ancient commentaries on Song of Solomon) is that our sexual longings are at least in part spiritual longings, longing to be cherished, to give and receive joy, and ultimately to reach out beyond our humdrum existence toward the Eternal. Romance or sexual fantasy is largely the misapplication of the yearning for Divine love.
Paul also shapes the discussion about mine and yours in the raised stakes of the public lawsuit. Having had a very bitter experience arbitrating right and wrong between Christians, I’d like to hedge what Paul says, but again, I place myself under the authority of scripture. We need to present to the world a united and peaceful and selfless place for them to escape the materialism around us.
The appearance of strength is too often a mask for weakness. In my imagination the Corinthians speak with a bold, authoritative voice that hides the reality of the infantile behavior and accomodationist worldview. They lack, in many ways, the experiencing of the weakness that Jesus commends that allows us to find true strength.
Application: I will give God all of me, to mold and move at His will. I will learn how to be wronged rather than bring dishonor on the Body of Christ.
Prayer: Lord God help me to control my thoughts and actions. Allow me to be self-controlled in actions, turning the other cheek. Help me to live with integrity so that your people will not suffer disrepute. Give our church the ability to work in unity and live with favor of God and man.
In Jesus Name,