Sunday, April 23, 2006


April 23 Acts 3

Go ahead and look first at Acts 3 . See how God speaks to you individually. Then come back, if you wish, and see what God has put in my mind/heart.

Key Verse(s): Acts 3:19

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord…

Title: The Experience of Refreshment

Observation: Christians are often the most run down people you meet. They are running from here to there, no time to talk, no time to see and observe, no time for anyone- because they are busy. Busy being good. At its best, tunnel visioned and busy because of a hurting world they want to serve. Worst case, killing themselves trying to worship two masters, Jesus and the unwritten prosperity gospel that has invaded just about every church.

And the very worst part for me is that this can be a fairly accurate portrait of my life. I can be so focused on doing ministry, that I stop caring for people in the process. I am so “heavenly minded” I’m no earthly good. I either trample or ignore those whom I am called to serve. An ambulance at top speed with lights blaring is unlikely to see those who are most in need of aid.

And I need to repent of this action. For a lot of reasons. Firstly, its idolatry to believe that I have to take the place of God in running around fixing all the things that I try to fix. Secondly, when I am weary I am ineffective in the limited role that I have been given. And thirdly, God has given me a family to be present with, to love and care for.

I have experienced the refreshment of asking Jesus to forgive my sins. I can remember many time the feelings of load being lifted from me. I need again to turn to God and ask forgiveness for trying to usurp his role. I need to experience the freedom that comes from not being responsible for the outcomes of peoples’ lives, but rather just to play the part that God has given me. I need to relax and trust God to be God. Getting in God’s way is foolish for me and damaging for those I come in contact with.

Application: I need to seek God’s forgiveness for trying to be in charge of His church and experience the refreshment of knowing that I don’t have to carry this too heavy burden.

Prayer: Lord God, forgive me for not trusting your sovereign will and love. Allow me to experience the refreshment of your goodness and to trust in your love for me, my family and the church. Allow me to trust you to accomplish your purposes. Thank you for being gracious enough to fulfill mine, especially when I don’t deserve it. You are a great God whose love is poured out in my life in ways beyond counting, ways beyond measure. May Jesus Christ be praised!

In Jesus Name,

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