Tuesday, May 09, 2006


May 10 Acts 13

Go ahead and look first at Acts 13 . See how God speaks to you individually. Then come back, if you wish, and see what God has put in my mind/heart.

Key Verse(s): Acts 13:13

From Paphos, Paul and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia, where John left them to return to Jerusalem.

Title: Friends on the Journey

Observation: Friendship, partners in the ministry, can be an incredible source of encouragement on a mission trip. And here Paul and Barnabas are out on a major mission and John leaves them to go back to
Jerusalem. They could have been very discouraged that their mission partner had left them. We learn later that this was a major issue of John leaving, to the point that Paul wouldn’t take him along on the next missionary journey he would take. It would so upset Paul that it would break up his very successful partnership with Barnabas in sharing the gospel.

Yet, these two do not lose sight of their mission here. Even though John (sometimes called John Mark) would leave them, the story goes on from their, without missing a beat, to a time of fruitful ministry. They did not lose their focus despite their friend leaving them. They were clear on their mission and the One whom they served.

Application: I need to remember that that the circumstances of the ministry to which I am called are not the arbiters of my being faithful. I have the ability to follow the leading of Christ in difficult or easy circumstance. I need to praise God in either situation.

Prayer: Lord God, give me the ability to praise you when things are going well (like now, praise God!) and when things are going poorly. Help me to give you all the credit and to point to you in all circumstances.

In Jesus Name,

Hi Matt,

I am amazed at how Paul is always prepared to tell again what God has already done. The disciples did the same thing, which tells me it is important to know the story well enough to be prepared to tell it at a moment's notice with ease and confidence. That includes my own personal history with God as well as how God has worked in this world from the beginning of time.

I often get so wrapped up in the moment, or tangled in my problems, that I easily lose sight of things God has already done.

At the end of this chapter, after being run out of town, Paul and his companions moved on to another city, "filled with joy and the Holy Spirit." The memories of past blessings were an encouragement and souce of joy to him when he had legitimate reasons to be disappointed and discouraged.

My prayer tonight is to ask God to remind me of the things He has done and the changes He has brought about in my life so that I can face future disappointments and obstacles "filled with joy and the Holy Spirit."
Thanks Pat for your heartfelt reply.
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