Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Post #100! May 31 Acts 25

Go ahead and look first at Acts 25 . See how God speaks to you individually. Then come back, if you wish, and see what God has put in my mind/heart.

Key Verse(s): Acts 25:11a

If, however, I am guilty of doing anything deserving death, I do not refuse to die.

Title: Being willing to pay the price

Observation: When we err, we often want others to be forgiving, for others to extend grace rather than have us pay the debt we have incurred (if it’s a debt that can even be paid). Certainly, that’s the basis of our faith- Jesus paid the price for our sins that we could in no way afford to pay. We are blessed with living in the era of grace.

Still, I admire those who can admit that they are wrong. And I am even more impressed by those who are willing to take responsibility for their actions, good or bad. In fact this may be the secret that guru’s are selling in their $99 package to a whole new you (along with a $2 “exercise” rubber band “strength trainer”)- you have to take responsibility for you actions or the world is just a collection of cruel and random events.

Actually I have noticed that the truly gifted rarely succeed. I have seen many truly gifted in ministry. What I have noticed is that things come so easily for these truly gifted ones, they generally are unable to see or unwilling to admit their mistakes. Most of them flicker and burn out in the first 5 years. Some return after failing in another career. Being able to own you mistakes, being willing to face God with all of who you are good and bad, allows Him to bring healing and wholeness into our lives.

I have let someone down I have a working relationship with. After forgetting a meeting the second time in two months, I was tempted just to close down the relationship, rather than own my failure. Yet I know that running from it will not help me to grow. Admitting that I was wrong and that I need to hold up my end of the bargain will make me better, allow us to work together better, and position me in a better place to serve God.

Application: I need to be able to admit my mistakes, my weaknesses, and my failings. And be willing to the work necessary to make things right.

Prayer: Lord God, help me to be honest with you and honest with myself about my strengths and my weaknesses. Allow me to be teachable, and leadable by your spirit. Give me a heart that desires correction. And help me to lead well those whom you have placed under my leadership. Help me, by the gift of the Spirit, to be worthy of their trust.

In Jesus Name,

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