Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Faith is Risky (Genesis 20,21,22, Luke 8)

Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, "Father?"
"Yes, my son?" Abraham replied.
"The fire and wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?"
Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together.

Observation: God desires us to be fully committed to Him. In these passages we see that real faith, faith that puts God first, will take us up to the edge of what we think we can do (Abraham and the woman) but it will be greatly rewarded. God is faithful, but it doesn’t mean that we will not have to go into uncomfortable/fearful places.

Application: I need to remember that being a follower of Jesus does not always mean following the converntional, safe path. I need to see that Christ may call me to take what seem to be risks but are really opportunities for faith to take firm hold of my heart.

Prayer: Lord, help me in the places where I am afraid. Help me be willing to allow you to have my son, to trust you with everything. Lord, establish that faith in my heart and actions.

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