Sunday, January 20, 2008


(Genesis 49; Genesis 50; Psalm 8; Luke 20)

Scripture:But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? (Genesis 50:10)

Observation: Joseph refused to vengence for what his brothers had done to him. The psalm reminds us of it. And the teachers of the law put themselves in the place of it. All of these things are God's place as the center of the universe. God is the one to avenge, God is worthy of our praise, God is the one who creates the rules for how we are to live.

Application:Remembering my place in God's created order. God is the one who has created the rules. He is the one who will see that justice is done. He is the one worthy of worship and praise.

Prayer: Lord I praise you for all that you have done. I praise you for you love, your faithfulness, you boundries, your holiness. Help me to walk in the boundries you set, help me to trust that you will take care of me and my family. Help me to see your work around me.

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