Monday, January 14, 2008
Judgmental Attitudes (Genesis 37; Genesis 38; Psalm 7; Luke 15)
Scripture: About three months later
Observation: After having slept with a prostitute (who happened to be Tamar) he had the temerity to call for Tamar to be burned to death! I know that women were viewed as property, but the hypocrisy is startling.
Yet, one of the biggest complaints against follower of Jesus is that we, too, are hypocrites. Some of this is just because in our society if you stand for any sort of higher moral ground, other feel the need to attack. But part of it is that we do often project ourselves as smug holder and do-ers of the truth. Humility is a much better witness!
Application: I would do well to stay away from the judgmental nature that occurs when I am tired and frustrated. I need to remember that those who are far from God are precious to Him. Help me to be one who seeks the lost rather than disdains them for being lost.
Prayer: Father God, you have saved me. Help me to be one who points others to your grace, not one who erects barriers from grace. Help me to accept grace, even though it means I don’t have to be better than others to deserve it. Give me a sense of peace in the midst of trying times and be grateful for what is rather than be frustrated with what is not yet.